Thursday, May 31, 2007

What's on your list...

of things to do "someday"?

Here's a snippet of mine:
- Buy a classic ('66-'77) Ford Bronco
- Send writing proposal to publishers
- Take a retreat at a monestary
- Romantic weekend with my wife and NO KIDS
- Buy some new music
- Exercise

How about you?


Anonymous said...

I am definitely a planner and dreamer. So, I am in the process of creating a list of 101 things that I want to accomplish or do before I die. I know - it's really over the top, but it's fun for me!

I won't bore you with the whole list, but it includes 1) places I want to go (like visiting all of the states in the US, Africa, etc. 2) life events (like getting married, have/adopt children, etc.) 3) things to accomplish (write a best selling book, be a guest on Oprah, open a bed & breakfast coaching center for women, etc.)

Mrs. Needham said...

Well it's definately a bold move to tell others what your biggest dreams are, and I'm not sure if I necissarily have a life to do list. Maybe that's a bad thing. I do however know what I want my life to look like.

I want about 75 acres, on it I want to build my own house, have 6 Friesian's (horse), I want to have a beautiful garden, I want to make my own wine, I want to have a resturant overlooking the vineyard, I want to know how to drive a 12 gear tractor (just like my mom). I want to travel all over the world (Galapagos, Maldives, Greece, Italy, Prauge...). I want to raise a swarm of wonderful children who will give me many grandkids. I want to look at my husband in 50 years and say "Ahhh, how wonderful"

I think the surprises that will come along the way will end up being the things that I should have put on a "to do" list.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Needham--I LOVE your list and hope all those things come true for you. I think those "life-long goals" look different for everyone. Mine are somewhat a mix of yours and Kelly's--the places I want to travel and the simple tasks in life that I have yet to accomplish (like learning to drive a stick shift)...

keithw said...

Some of my things to do.... be fluent in a 2nd language, take a trans Atlantic cruise, travel to Egypt and Brazil.