Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Removing The Walls...

This weekend Glen will bring us a powerful teaching based on the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). By the way, it might be a good idea to spend a little time there before Sat/Sun.

Glen will challenge us with the idea that while religion is usually used to justify building walls to keep "the wrong" people out- Jesus came to say that we need to remove the walls in our lives and let people in. Everyone is our neighbor- not just the people like us, or those who feel safe to us.

While I certainly don't want to steal any of Glen's (or God's) thunder, I think it might help up to think ahead about who we really keep on the other side of the walls in our lives.

Who are "those people" that you distance yourself from, feel uncomfortable around and avoid if possible?

As a step towards asking God to change our hearts, post your answers anonymously in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

I probably would try to distance myself from people who raise their kids differently than I do- esp. in terms of morals and standards.

Anonymous said...

I have a really hard time being around the homeless. Since they are dirty, sometimes drunk and most likely crazy, they make me really uncomfortable. I avoind Church under the Bridge because it gives me the creeps. I wish God would soften me in this area.

Anonymous said...

I was able to attend the Saturday Night service where Glen interviewed the pastor from the church down the road. It was a powerful site to see a person from a different background not only in church but also in his life open the doors of love to our preacher and congregation. I am elated to hear him speak later on in September and was moved during the wall illustration. It not only sent chills up my spine, but I felt a since of community reuniting itself when they were tearing down that wall together. It kind of made me forget about all the bad things that are happening now in the world and returned me to the perfect community we will have one day in Heaven with those of every nationality.

Anonymous said...

As a Christian, I am am at least two things. 1. REDEEMED; saved from separation from God by sin and given the Holy Spirit so I can recognize when I sin and ask for forgiveness AND stop repeating sin. 2.REGENERATED.I am given the ability to love with the compassionate love of Christ.The same love he has for me is not a unique gift to certain believers.
We are through the Spirit born again to desire and imitate the compassionate giving love that Jesus has always had for us. If we do not, then our faith walk leaves no footprint and no mark on the hearts of men.