Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Discipline of Celebration?or Celebration of Discipline?

It really is a wierd to have both words in a phrase.

As I sat and listened to Glen's message on Sunday I was struck by how much sense it really makes.

In one way we need to remember (discipline ourselves) to realize how much we have to celebrate in Christ. How HUGE a difference he makes in our life no matter what we are going through or what trial we are facing. His victory that we will celebrate this Sunday should bring perspective every day we live.

In another way all together, we need to see the celebration that comes out of being like Jesus, imitating who he is and how he lived through the power of his Spirit living within us. Glen made the statement "Celebration without regrets." Oh how close to home and how true that is for us. What else in life can bring such sweet celebration as leaning into and learning through his Spirit how to live more like him?

It's only through Jesus we can do that.

What does a life of true "regret-less" celebration look like for you? How are you trying to live into that? What celebration has "imitating" Jesus brought to your life?


1 comment:

Amanda said...

The "Imitate" series could not have come at a better time in my life. It has challenged me in every way to think about the way I conduct my life - what I think is important, how I spend my free time, how I treat others, etc.

The small changes I have made so far have brought a sense of peace into my life that I am not sure I've ever experienced. I am reading my bible daily. I try to send God a few text messages throughout the day. By doing these small things, I have seen and felt big changes.

Griff, I really appreciate all that you and the rest of the staff do. I hope that you guys have plenty of time to celebrate as you guide us on this amazing journey!