Thursday, March 27, 2008


I hope you had a good Easter. More than that I hope you had a thoughtful Easter. We always harp that we don’t focus enough at Christmas time but at least we are engaged in Christmas. There is not the same hoop-la at Easter so it seems to come and go – fast!

I know I intended to sit and watch “The Passion” again this year, but with little kids and all the hectic things of life it didn’t get done. It was good to be able to sit and think about why we believe and what a difference it makes in our life when we “live into” that belief.

We look at people in scripture and history and see the differences it made in their life when they went from disbelief to belief. It is encouraging and even exciting to see what God does in other peoples life but what about yours? What difference has believing made in your life? Are you living into that belief or is it a separate part of who you are? What could living into your belief bring to your life?

Stop and think about your faith and belief.

What has it brought? What more could it bring?

Happy "post" Easter


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