Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Getting It Right

I have to be honest and it probably won’t surprise any of you but I felt myself well up with emotion several times on Sunday during Glen’s message. When I heard the things that wives were saying about their husbands who were getting it right, something touched me deep inside.

I know, as a man, respect is a huge motivator. When I get anything right and my wife notices and then verbalizes it back to me; WOW! You would have thought I just got the Nobel Peace Prize. I also think as men that is what we are all looking for; to be valued and respected. The reality is we end up looking for it in different places. If we don’t find it at home, or we are too wounded to experience it at home, or we have seen other role models seek it in different ways it can lead to fruitless and destructive searches.

I was appreciative of the encouragement and challenge to “get it right” as a Dad. A word of advice for kids or wives who are reading this: Dad’s need your respect. They live by it and for it. They thrive on it. I don’t know if you have a good or bad relationship with your dad but find something you do and can respect about him and let him know. Write a note, tell him face to face, or get a tattoo; just make sure he knows you respect him. If you do it often enough you will see a new life arise inside him. Before you know it there will be even more you respect about him.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hopefully all the ladies, youngest and up, were listening. It may be that the women already understood this given they use both sides of their brain.