Sunday, May 4, 2008

Spiritually Green?

I hate to admit this about myself but I have been pretty skeptical and critical when it comes to environmental issues. I have probably been sort of a jerk about the issue at times (just ask my wife). Honestly, I just didn't care that much about it. If it was super easy to do something I would but if it took any effort on my part I didn't care enough to act.

I am not sure what you thought about Matthew Sleeth's story but personally I was challenged in a new way. I have never thought about the environment in light of the two greatest commandments. How can I love God more and how can I show my neighbor love. Appreciating and caring for the environment from that perspective makes so much more sense and gives me motivation I have never had before.

I really appreciated how Matthew the issue a spiritual one and kept it from being political at the same time. I appreciate that he is willing to live into what he believes in ways that are practical and simple.

I know we are making some changes in our household. I hope you are in yours. In the end it is a personal issue that has profound effects on the world around you. I hope you let those questions lead you. Will this show love for God (and what he has given me), and will this show love for my neighbor (and future generations).

So what kinds of things have you decided to do?


gary said...

Grif - Like you this is one issue that I've probably been more political than spiritual about... but I've also always been an outdoors person and after moving to KY and seeing how polluted the rivers and hiking trails are, I became more interested. My wife (Nikki) has always been concerned about recycling.

Recycling is a step, but decreasing consumption is another major step. I love to ride my bike, so commuting on bike (work, grocery store) is one way that we have cut down on driving.

By the way - we would love to ride to XRoads, but there is no place to put our bikes, that we know of?

Some other things we've done:

1. take cloth bags to grocery
2. bought aluminum h20 bottles stopped purchasing water (and in our studio more have done it since)
3. changed out light bulbs (some, not all)

That's a beginning... it still needs improvement.

When I can frame the decision around the concept of loving my neighbor and as way to worship - it becomes more appealing.

I appreciate xroads willingness to discuss this topic.

Griff Ray said...

There is an interesting article you might want to check out that was written by Today's Christian Woman. It's okay to read if you are not a woman. At least I hope it is. :-)


Anonymous said...

This is an issue that Crossroads has been talking about and acting on for some time now.

If you'd like to hear more on this topic, follow the link below, and scroll down to the message "TRUSTED with the environment".