Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Why Win, If You Can Dance?

The old saying goes, “Win a soul for Jesus.” Paul used that type of language several times in the writing of scripture but I’m not sure it means the quite the same thing people do today. I think it feels a lot different now than it did then. Someone said, “If you win me for Jesus that feels like I lose.”

We know that is not the truth at all but it’s interesting that someone would feel that way. What is it about someone’s evangelistic approach that would make someone feel like they lose if they agree? Maybe it’s what they say, but I have a feeling it’s about more of how they say it.

Brian McLaren described a different way we might approach sharing the message of Jesus. He said that the “Gospel” (the good news) of Jesus is like beautiful music to those that know it. It picks up our spirit and carries us along in the dance of life. Why not invite others to dance with us, to hear and understand the music for their lives. Sure, some toes might occasionally be stepped on in the process but who needs to win and lose when instead we can learn to dance together.

Don’t look at your “non-church-going” friends as projects, look at them as dance partners.



Ms. Holly said...

I struggle with ways to approach my non-church-going friends some days. Instead of using the phrase, "It says in the Bible..", or something to that effect, I use my actions. When I give any kind of advice I run it by God first and ask Him how to guide these people. I believe that our example is more powerful than our words. If I do need to use words and we all know those times are there, I usually just tell them my perceptions or views and why I think like that. ie.. I don't get revenge because God will get on me for that. I try to use it in a light tone but enough to bring the point home.

If ever I am in a debate about views (which I try to avoid because I get fired up and sometimes argumentative) I am so worked up that I can't think well enough to reply with anything other than my own opinions. It is like someone talking about my kid, it ruffles my feathers when I feel like I am "wrong". I know that I need to work on the whole process of allowing someone else to have an opinion and just sharing mine. I wish that I could know the Bible well enough to be able to come back with scripture.

So I guess what I am saying is that I will invite someone to dance with me and my God but don't debate Him with me. Geez, I need a little working on, huh? I am sure that God is listening and working.

Does anyone else get upset when someone tries to tell you that you believe something wrong???

Griff Ray said...

Holly, I can totally relate to how you feel. I have really struggled with that same hyped up feeling many times before. Something that has really helped me os to remember that the loving the person is more important than them agreeing with me.

Jesus didn't argue with people about what was right, he showed them what was right through sacrificing himself for those accusing him. Talk about something hard to do!

Hope that is helpful.