Sunday, January 13, 2008

Let's Get Physical... in Heaven of course.

We will forever enjoy the perfected goodness of this life, without the curse or effect of sin, and do so in the indescribable and unfathomable presence of our loving God.

So what part of that statement was most surprising to you? What kind of thoughts or insight would you add to that?

> The first part we discussed was, “We will forever enjoy the perfected goodness of this life”. We basically said that in some bodily form (1 Cor. 15:20-24, 35-58) we would experience the New Heaven and New Earth in ways that are far beyond our experiences here.
Also check out some of these references to Jesus in his “resurrected body.” Luke 24:13-53, John 20:11-30, 21:1-23 Any thoughts on how our resurrected bodies might be different?

> The second was, “without the curse or effect of sin,” Just think about the fact that most likely only Adam and Eve alone experienced this earth without the curse of sin. In what ways might the lack of the curse effect us and the new earth?

> Thirdly we tried to get our minds around what the full presence of our loving God might be like. To be honest, it’s kind of scary to me even though I know through Christ there is no need to fear. Scripture tell us his radiant presence will be all the light we need in heaven! Whoa! What thoughts come to you mind when thinking about being in His presence?

Don’t forget it’s not too late to throw a heaven question into the teaching team hat. Email me at Or, you can just post them on the blog for all to see.

I’ll be checking in this week. Just a personal note, my family finally moved down this weekend, YEAH! So for the most part we will be here all the time now. We’ll have to move our belongings at the end of the month but it is great to just be here.



ryan said...

i cant wait!!!!

its also helps if some of you are still not understanding why heaven isn't that appealing even after this amazing message by griff. dive into and ask God to make His emotions known to you. ask God to tell you what He thinks about you. and begin to experience God in the place of prayer and slowly but surely God will release feelings and experiences to you. (side note)

ya i cant wait to get to heaven it is going to be so amazing just being in full comunion with the One that desires us more than anything else in the world and nothing hindering us from feeling His effection He has toward us!!! I CANT WAIT!!!

bhamner said...

The message this past weekend was excellent. I found myself confronted by a vast array of emotions. I was thinking back to a couple years ago when I was lying in bed thinking something very close to the "if i can't play golf"... Of course it wasn't golf (that's pretty lame), it was HD TV (just kidding). It was actually the thought that life was going pretty well, w/family, friends, career, vacations... The message really opened my eyes to the fact that all that stuff is like 'mud pies' when compared to heaven. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at the place where I have my bags packed, but I now have a much different perspective. I wish more people could have experienced the message!

I am thankful for this message, and for our church.