Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hope of Heaven???

So how much time do we spend thinking about heaven? (How many times a week do you really ponder it?)

What do we really know about heaven? (Are there really pearly gates and a cloud nine? Do we become angels?)

Missy did a great job opening up this issue that I think we would all agree is pretty important, but that we don’t seem to talk much about. If you are a believer in Christ, you at least hope you are going to heaven, but you may not know what that really entails or if you are sure you’ve even made it in.

Missy shared that for much of her life she has thought heaven was probably pretty boring but better than eternal punishment and separation from God. Does that resonate with anyone? Is it really just singing and clouds for eternity?

So what are your thoughts and visions about what heaven is going to be like? Describe your thoughts to us.

Did you realize there is a “Present Heaven” but that there will also be a “New Heaven & New Earth”?

Most importantly out of this study might be the question, “How does a better understanding and ‘HOPE’ of heaven affect the way we live today?”

If you have a specific question you would like the teaching team to address on our Q & A weekend email me at:

I’m looking forward to some interesting dialogue!



Anonymous said...

I too think Missy did a great job and was beginning to think that I had actually written most of what she said. Even though I grew up in church, the thought of heaven has never been described to me in a way that makes me "long for it". Sometimes I wonder why God did not do more to show or explain what life after death would be like so that it would be more attractive. But then that would not be faith, and our desire for eternal life would be based on what our reward would be rather than placing our faith in Jesus. Maybe heaven is a place so wonderful, that our words, that are limited to this life, pale in their ability to describe it. One additional thought concerning a "New Heaven and a New Earth". If this place is much like the beginning as in the Garden of Eden, what will keep us from making the same mistakes that we made in the garden in the first place, starting the whole sin process all over again. As Missy was speaking, I could not stop thinking about this. The garden seemed so perfect, and yet Adam and Eve messed it all up with their desire to be like God. If walking with God and being in his presence did not stop them, then what will stop us. Each thought or question that arises from this topic leads full circle back to having faith in a God that has a plan for our lives and our relationship with him and others that reaches far beyond our ability to understand.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree. Heaven always seemed boring to me. An eternity of clouds and streets of gold. I need a little more activity than that if you know what I mean.
I have been thinking a lot over the past year of heaven as my Grandfather passed away in February. I found hope in the thought of him going to Heaven to be with Christ but could not picture what that would look like. I much prefer Missy's explanation of community and relationships and talking with God than the usual pictures of heaven. I was captivated the entire service and am so glad Crossroads has decided to tackle this subject.

Janet said...

I REALLY enjoyed the message this week, and I look forward to heating the rest of the series!

I developed a new understanding of heaven while going through the "Purpose Driven Life" course a couple years back. I knew there would be relationships and that we would all have jobs. I had not, however, considered the aspect of "New Heaven and New Earth". That was enlightening, and of course, makes sense. SOmething else I always struggled with was the difference in the heaven for those who follow Christ all their lives and the deathbed confession. Missy's New York analogy regarding the experience and the appreciation was exactly what I needed (and has already sparked several conversations with my non-Crossroads friends...who also found the analogy to make sense)

The thoughts are definitely rolling around in my head this week as I go about my daily routines. Looking forward to what's next in the series!

ryan said...

(if this is on there acouple of times im sry trying to figure it out still haha)
Joe C. in response to your question about us falling back into sin an starting the whole process all over again is this. if wont be possible for us to sin. yes i believe it will be alot like this life in many ways just infinity times better becuase we will have no veil that hides us from Gods desire and love for us we will truely feel loved and truely be able to give love. but when the new heaven and new earth is established (Rev. 21:9-27)
Satan, the Devil, death and hades will not be on this earth no longer becuase they have been through into the lake of fire (hell)Rev 20:7-15 v.*14,10. Just like there is no sin in heaven now there will be no sin on earth when heaven and earth unite. so there will be no possible way for us to sin. from where Christ reigns over sin because He defeated Death and for Him to defeat death on the cross He had to over come sin. therefore sin can not dwell where Christ dwells and in the new heaven and new earth Christ and God dwells. so there is no possible way we could sin

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered some of the same things Joe c had commented about making the same mistakes again in heaven. However, Ryan, eased my concern by reminding me that Satan will not reside in the Garden of Eden like before. Satan's resident will be in the Lake of Fire. In the beginning Adam and Eve had the perfect circumstances living in the garden walking and talking with God except the serpent was lurking around. Jesus death has conquered Satan and he will be no more. Phil.1:6 tells us we will be made complete upon christ return. I take this as meaning we will be perfect without sin. Rev. 21 tells us God has made all things new with the new heaven and earth. What comfort I find in this knowing God is in control and keeps all his promises. I am reassured things will not happen like the first time in the Garden of Eden. It will be all brand new.

Griff Ray said...


This is some very thoughtful and helpful discussion.

So you think that a lot of people wonder about messing all up all over again? Not that any of us mess up over and over again here. ;-)

Do you think that should be a question we address on our last Q&A week?

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great to address. Two out five on the blog site have had this thought. I bet it has crossed many others minds. It would be good to help us continue to put it all together and is very comforting reminder God has it all in control.

ryan said...

yes i think it would be helpful to mention it because i have had that concern myself in that past... so yes it would be very helpful for other poeple to i believe but thats just my own opinion? haha :)