Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yeah, YOU Can Change The World...

This weekend we'll conclude the "Yeah YOU" series with the idea that each of us can make an impact on this world.

If that's really true- and you had the power to change one thing about this world, what would it be?


Micah said...

I'd change myself. As easy as that should seem, I haven't been able to overcome the society I'm in to be attached to Him in "reckless abandon". I still hold onto my burdens, taking with me wherever I go. I would change my interpretation of what is average, and live below it.

Anonymous said...

There are many things I would like to change but since it say 1, I will have to choose. I would love to be able to change the way our world views people with disabilities. Whether physical or intellectual there is a stereotype out there that simply is not true. Hopefully someday, people will view people with disabilities as anyone else who needs a little help from time to time. God has created these beautiful people and we need to cherish them.

Unknown said...

There are many things I would change about the world. If I were to have the ability to change only one thing, it would be violence. I would make violence disappear. I would like to turn on the evening news and not leave the couch feeling rather sick because of the violent crimes reported in our communtiy. I would love to know that my children could grow up in a peaceable world. A place where people respected LIFE, and how absolutely precious it is.

Anonymous said...

If I could change one thing about the world, it would be addiction- addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, anything and everything that we use to fill up the void that only Jesus fills.

Tim said...

If I could change one thing, I would have to borrow from Micah's comment and change myself. I would change myself, so that I could open up and receive love. If I could do that, I would have faith that others could too and I would know that it is alright to be vulnerable to one another.

Fred said...

I think I'd change what temptation looks like.

Most of the time I see only the attractive parts.

Maybe if we could see through to the dark side of temptation it would make it a little easier to resist.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... let's see. God made the world and how do I want to change it? Think I'll just try to find more ways to enjoy His gifts.