Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vocab Test...

One of the things I love about Crossroads is that we don't drop theological or religous terms just to sound impressive. (Propitiation anyone?)

This weekend we'll be talking about EVANGELISM. You might not hear that exact term, but it will be the topic of the day.

What does the word EVANGELSIM mean to you?

What associations does it carry for you?

Are there other words or phrases you use in place of this term? If so, why?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I learned in Bible College evangelism means "good angel." However, Christians should feel a great need to extend this message to those without. I can't think of the word evangelism without the word servant also. People won't care what you want to share with them unless they feel the compassion and sincerity in your heart. We must be able to serve those in need before we can carry the message to those in need. (Which is why missions trips, extreme teams, and being a good neighbor are so vital to our faith.)