Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is It Even Possible???

Wow. Great discussion on the last post. When I look at the types of things we all want to change about this world, it makes me wonder if change is even possible.

A couple of us mentioned that what we want to change is ourselves and we can't even seem to get that done.

What do you think? Can people like us change the world?

If not- why not?

If yes- how?


Micah said...

I think people can affect the world. Look at what Bernacky did a couple of days ago. The global economy responded with a little more optimism. Even if we don't have that pulpit people can change the world, e.g. Rosa Parks. But who has affected the world more greatly than Jesus? Even for non-believers.

Micah said...

Sorry: Bernanke.

Fred said...

I do believe that with Jesus' love and power we can be used to change this world.

I think one of the biggest hurdles for me is my comfort and complacency. It's easy to get lost in the couch!

Mrs. Needham said...

I agree, we named our couch "the motivation sucker" shortly after we bought it.

Anonymous said...

I just read a quote from Archimedes -"Give me a place to stand and I will move the earth." While he was referring to the lever, I think this may apply to the topic. Where will we take a stand? What will we use for leverage to make the needed change?

Micah said...

phricenak: That's interesting insight. Is the Word the fulcrum? That is, since morality hangs on It.

Ms. Holly said...

This question takes me back to the message that Missy delivered some months back. She gave out starfish to every one and told about the man saving starfish on the beach. One at a time. This is what Jesus did and I believe that we all have a responsibility to try to do the same. I know that I can't go out today and change a society but I can help one person change for the better and encourage them to pay it forward. If I remember correctly, Jesus had 12 disciples and they were changed, then told to go out and spread the word. Look around now and see how many christians there are. For me it is simple, one at a time and if that is done well, it will spread to many.