Monday, August 20, 2007

Yeah, YOU Can Change...

Change is a huge business in our country (think teeth whitening, weight loss pills, wardrobe makeovers, the endless home renovation shows, Oprah, etc.).


We all have things in our lives that we want to change.

Me- I'd like to be taller, have a bit more hair, have more self-discipline, etc.

How about you?

What is one thing about yourself you'd like to change?

Click the comments link just below and spill it.


Mrs. Needham said...

I wish I could be one of those people who could be content despite their circumstances instead of because of them. I'm usually content with 90% of the way things are going, but there is always something that I wish could just be different...

And yes I would like my teeth to be whiter :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. There's so many to choose from. How about an ubiquitous cop-out that rings true in many facets of my life? I want to change how I prioritize my life. It would certainly clear up a lot if I could do just that.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to gain some weight and stop my hair from balding. I'd also like to sell a house in Florida so we can start to improve our financial health.

Micah said...

Can you think of one person who wishes to gain weight (JVK)? Hmmm... for me...
"I wish I was little bit taller,
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat
and a '64 Impala" -Skee-lo

Bret Foster said...

I wish I could turn my stress over to God better than I do. I wish I was a nicer person, a better father and husband. I wish I was 15lbs lighter. And for many of you that know me this may come as a surprise, but I wish I had more confidence.

Patrick said...

I wish I had quoted Skee-Lo.

-I wish I was more musical. On Sunday I pretened to play guitar with Steve after church and it made me realize how much I wish I could really do that instead of just pretending.

-I wish my metabolizm was like it was in college. And my hairline too.

-I wish I was great at the thing I'm only good or okay at. I wish I was a better writer. I wish I was handier. I wish I was a natural at making money.

-I wish I was fearless. Every time someone approaches me about a business proposition or some kind of investment I immediately go into overly-cautious, hide my money in a mattress mode.

-I wish the Colonel would stop signing me up for magazine subscriptions. I have two years worth Cat Fancy cluttering up my closets.

Patrick said...

I wish I had spelled metabolism right.

Christian Stevenson said...

Perspiration - I wish I could walk to the front of the room for Sunday Service and not be beading up by the end of the first song.

Writing - I wish could write more eloquently and without leaving words out my sentences.

Relationships - I wish I could completely surrender my expectations of others. I wish I had the wisdom and the words to make any conflict go away and let love start building bridges. :)

Energy - I wish I was a morning person but instead my "go" button gets magically pushed every night at 11.

Music - I wish that skee-lo song had never re-entered my brain. I wish I could sing cause I would so love to be part of the worship team most Sunday's. I would change my vocal abilities.

Guitar - Patch, I've been trying to teach myself for the past 3 months but never make time commitments. Want to learn together?

Missions - I wish I had the cohoneys to commit to a missions trip to a third world country. I toy with the idea of experiencing the emotions described by those that have gone, but never have the confidence to commit.

Fatherhood - I feel like there's a large part of me (and I'm large) that wants children in a bad, bad way yet I can't get over the hurdle of deciphering my feelings. I'd like to change my indecisiveness.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had more discipline in the way I spend my free time, especially in the evenings. I spend way too much time in front of the TV or eating even when I am not hungry. It is a way of escaping but it is not very life-giving.


Anonymous said...

I wish that I could be accepting of how God has made me especially my physical limitations and appearance. I know this sounds stupid and shallow. But I am so hard on myself because I'm not able to do the things that I would like or be as thin as I'd like, etc. (Like being pregnant makes either of these easier:-)


Anonymous said...

Oh, there are so many more than one....but I do wish I were a morning person and was more disciplined about getting up early and going to bed at a decent time instead of the other way around.
Also, could use more of the utter lack of self-consciousness with praise and dancing for the Lord the young man in the front had last Saturday night. Did anybody else see that? He was LOVING the worship time and dancing like crazy - he was really comfortable in his world! This might have bothered some folks, but I think we could all learn from him!

Anonymous said...

There are so many things I would like to change:

1. I wish I didn't have student loans to repay
2. I wish I was content with the way God designed me - looks, purpose, all of it.
3. I wish I could actually do things today that I have been puting off for "someday"
4. I wish I had some form of artisitic talent - music, drawing, anything really.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was a runner. I've recently began to admire the persistence and determination it seems runners have. I find myself looking at running shoes, thinking how great it would be to feel the crisp morning air as I whip through neighborhoods.

However, now I barely manage to jog/walk my way around the neighborhood and am still WAY out of breath. I've never been a runner despite my new found ambition...I hated running in gym class, so I'm not sure why now I have this urge to run...

Unknown said...

One thing I would change is my ability to hold conversations with people I don't know very well. I always get nervous that I won't be able to think of things to say. Then the nerves usually end up taking over and I say something stupid or I just stand there akwardly until the person walks away. There are many more things I would change, but this is the one I want to change the most and am currently working on.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could say I was completely content and obedient to the Word of God. I wish I looked like Lance Armstrong, so I would get turned heads from all the ladies.

Ultimately, I want to be obedient to God and allow Him to transform me into the man He wants to be.

Thanks for Listening

Anonymous said...

I wish I could keep my house clean like my mom always did. And I wish I always had dinner on the table like her too. I wish I were willing to jump out of my comfort zone more often...instead of only talking to who I know or instead of not joining in something because I'm afraid of what I might look like.

Lisa said...

Well, to state what I feel is the obvious...I wish I could change my weight:)
To agree with Sara in a previous comment...I wish I could hold a conversation especially with people I don't know that well.
Lastly, I wish that I could understand God's timing for some of life's events, because they don't always seem to make sense to me and even though God is always there for me, I wish I didn't question Him but could just let go and always trust Him and His timing.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was less critical of myself and everyone else - especially those who do not follow directions and put "one thing" we'd like to change about ourselves! So, since (almost) everyone else put more than one thing -
2) ditto on the comment lbuckles left
3)I wish I wasn't afraid of what people think of me and
4) I would like to release whatever is keeping from sleeping through the entire night

Christian Stevenson said...

I feel spanked after that.... :(

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Christian. Criticism is something I said I wanted to change. And I'm just as hard on myself.
Pam Hricenak

Anonymous said...

I am a financial analyst. I get paid to think things to death. But I wish I could turn that off at 5:00. I wish I didn't think things to death or over-analyze every little thing in my personal life!

Oh, and I would like to transfer about 10 pounds from my mid-section to my skinny bird legs!

Anonymous said...

I wish I didn't have to take medicine every day to feel normal.