Friday, August 17, 2007

Yeah, YOU Can Find Hope

This weekend we'll jump fully into a new teaching series called "Yeah YOU". Our hope is to let God get personal with us and to begin to accept the idea that the promises and invitations issued in the Bible don't just apply to "the world" or "everyone", but aslo to you and me.

This weekend we'll focus on the idea that "You Can Find Hope"- something many of us need right now. If you'd like to prepare a little ahead of time, read John 20 and pay attention to the stories of Mary & Thomas.

Also, feel free to add your thoughts, prayers and questions to the post about Nati Carter just below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great message today Fred! Thanks so much for stepping up to a leadership role given the heartache of last week. Know that you are appreciated, more than we're able to communicate to you.

I loved the piece on Thomas as I was just having a conversation with a friend of mine recently. He's a struggling Christian in that he thinks he believes but is afraid to let anyone see him worshiping, praying, singing in church, etc.

He commented recently that if he could just "see" Jesus then he'd feel so much stronger a belief. I reminded him that Jesus has already been here once, performed numerous miracles yet there were still people of that day that still didn't believe he is our savior.

Why should he come back again, do miracles again, just so you'll believe him? What about the next Thomas? He had no answer.