Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I Know...

There's a scene in the movie "Good Will Hunting" that makes me cry every time I see it.

Will (Matt Damon's character) is talking with his therapist- Sean (Robin Williams' character). They've finally developed a sense of trust when the subject of Will's childhood abuse comes up.

Sean looks him in the eye and says,
"You know that's not your fault."

Will shrugs, looks away and says,
"I know."

He says the right words, but you can see in his eyes that he doesn't really believe them. He's spent years blaming himself- wondering what he's done to deserve such treatment.

Sean steps closer,
"You know that wasn't your fault Will."

Another non-committal "I know" follows from Will.

Finally Sean catches his eye and tells him one last time what is really true. He didn't deserve to be treated as he had been.

Will breaks down as he lets the possibility sink inside his soul.

I wonder if Jesus could have a similar conversation with me and you.

"I love you", says Jesus.

"I know", we shrug.

"No, I really love you. Every time I think of you, I smile."

"I know", we mutter.

Catching our eye, Jesus continues,
"I love you.
I know who you are.
I know everything you've done.
I know your secrets.
The dark parts of your soul.
Your shame.
And I still love you.
Enough to die for you.
And live with you and in you."

"I love you."

How would we respond?

Those words are so familiar. But do we really believe they are true about US?

Are we ready to let the love and acceptance of God sink deep into our bones despite the nagging voices that tell us it is too good to be true, or can't happen for us?

Or is there something about that idea that we can't quite come to grips with?

The scene closes with Will sobbing as his friend, Sean holds him tight.

I'm picturing a similar scene with Jesus and me.

Maybe someday soon.


Anonymous said...

We believe what we have experienced.

Micah said...

Man, first off... great movie! aside from all the junk and f-bombs in it. I know Jesus loves me, but I go through phases where it's hard to accept. I get this impression where He's only my judge, to condemn my wrongs because I trampled on His will and Law. And rightfully so, I feel. In that moment, I think He'd respond like He did to the disciples when they couldn't exorcise the demon. " long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you?" (Mat. 17:17). Obviously, that's not the best context. But a friend described Grace as "unmerited favor". He loves me despite everything you listed. THAT brings me to be "poor in spirit" and KNOW He loves me. Hallelujah for the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension!

keithw said...

I had the fortunate experience to see Good Will Hunting on a flight, so I got the 'cleansed' version. Too bad the video rental locations don't offer the airplane versions as well as the 'director cuts'.... but I digress.

Micah, I hear you on going through those phases where you view God as a judge. It's difficult, and sometimes fellow believers don't help. One my my least-liked religious songs is the one called "Does he still feel the nails?" I think this is one of the most theologically bad songs ever written. IMHO, it tries to take all the 'Good' out of the '
Good News'. Thankfully you don't hear it much any more.

Anonymous said...

WOW - I love the connection! You make a great point...that would be an interesting encounter.

Anonymous said...

Jesus loves us no matter what. All we have to do is believe that He loves us and have faith and WOW the possibilities are wonderful and unlimited.