Friday, June 8, 2007

Where are you like my dad?

My (Fred's) dad is one of those guys who is a voracious learner. He knows a little bit about a lot of topics.

Drop him in a conversation with almost anyone and he'll probably be able to talk about their interests on some level.

Most people would walk away from meeting him thinking that he actually shares their hobbies and passions.

Here's the thing- my dad knows about ALOT of things he can't actually do. He can talk about farming, but never has. He can discuss construction, but couldn't build a house. He understands the stock market, but doesn't invest in it.

What about you? Where do you talk a better game than you play? Is there anything in your life that you know alot about, but don't do much with?

1 comment:

Christian Stevenson said...

For me it's gotta be simplifying life into decision making. You weigh the pro's and con's of any decision, you make the best one given what you know and you move forward. There is no hindsight, no Monday morning quarterbacking, no second guessing. It's really just that simple. WRONG!

Yours truly can solve just about any riddle for the people around me. And seeing them not respond slow agitates me to the point of having to walk away from the subject. JUST MAKE A DECISION! But when it's me having to choose one road or another, and both have many options, and I'm not sure how I'll feel going down either one, and there are x number of scenarios that could play out, and I'm a tad wishy washy....things aren't quite so easily decided upon. :)