Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What is Crossroads All About?

This weekend Glen take us back to the basics of why we exist as a Church Community. He'll talk about our overall vision and four cornerstones that anchor our life together.

But before that happens, we'd like to hear from you.
How do you usually describe Crossroads to others?
What do you think we are all about?
What is our heart? Mission? Vision?


Anonymous said...

I describe Crossroads as a place where you can come and just be yourself. A place that does not judge your past or your present. Just a place where you can come and be who you are right now and be accepted. A place that wants to help you to move forward towards Christ with no judgement, and stands on God's Word as truth. Crossroads is a place that tackles current and sometimes controversial issues without apology.

Patrick said...

My friends and I sometimes refer to Crossroads as St. Awesome's. It started kind of as a joke, but it took on a life of it's own. What makes the place so awesome is that it's a thinking church. It spends time looking at issues, studying the Bible, and trying very hard to extrapolate meaning from the words of Jesus.

bhamner said...

My step father and I talk a lot about church. He talks about how he loathes loud worship music in church, and how he really likes a good fire-and-brim-stone sermon, with a loud sweaty preacher. I tried many times to describe Xroads to him, but I could always tell that we were so far out of his mental model, that he could not get it. He came on Mother’s day to see my daughter’s baby dedication. I did not ask him what he thought, but my brother, father-in-law, and brother-in-law talked about it for many weeks after. They described it has a church with music that really got you energized, a message that really made sense (even though Fred was up that weekend?), and really low pressure. That is huge considering that none of them go to church back home (basically because they would go to church like my step father’s). May point being, the way I describe my church is that it is a place were everyone is welcome, regardless of where you are on your journey. And I am glad it is a church that my step father does not want to go to  (of course he is always welcome) 