Monday, June 11, 2007

What did you learn about the Kingdom??

This weekend we wrapped the Counterintuitive series. Over the past 10 weeks we've been focusing our weekend conversations on the Kingdom that Jesus described that doesn't work the way we expect it to.

Take a minute and give us some feedback:

What did you think of this study?

Did you hear anything that surprised you? Challenged you? Encouraged you?

Was there anything you learned that you are trying to hold onto? Live out?


Mrs. Needham said...

I loved the conterintuitive study, it's always great to be challenged in our faith. I think the overall surprise for me was how timid I've become. I used to be quite fearless and since having kids I've started to distrust and judge people from a distance (for my kid's sake...or so I say). But, I guess what I'm really doing is just teaching them to judge and distrust. So I'm going to try to stop doing that.

Dennis Spencer said...

Great series. The essences of the gospel that Jesus gave us fits the criteria of counterintuitive. Give and it shall be given to you. Die to self and then live. Hebrews 11 describes a great list of individuals in the Old Testament that believed but did not see. Verse 39 says "All these people were known for their faith, but none of them received what God had promised." Their lives of faith were so often counterintuitive. There seems to be a good summary in chapter 12:1 "Since we are surrounded by so many examples of faith, we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us."

Patrick said...

I don't have time to get into what I learned right now - but I will take a second to say that this has been my favorite series ever at Xroads. Seriously. Kudos to Glen, Fred, and Missy on the teaching. Nicely done everybody.

keithw said...

This was a great series. So many good ideas. My personal favorite was the one on Mother's Day which talked about becoming more child-like. Fred brought in some great points on what it truly means to be child-like (helplessness, our posture, the words we choose). It really gave a new light to that part of Jesus' teaching.

Janet said...

I'll add my voice to this being a great series!! I think what this did most for me was to help me open up again to begin thinking "outside the box", or "counterintuitively". This is stuff I did regularly in adolescence/young adulthood, questioning everything. Somewhere along the line I started falling into line and doing what everyone else did just because it was easier. I like the way this series has opened me up to challenge myself again to dare to think differently, to see things differently, to look for that which isn't easily exposed and to dig deeper.

Micah said...

Great job to everyone, and to you, too, Fred.

Ms. Holly said...

This series really made me think that I really need to take time to act deliberately. Not just on instinct or impulse but to think about what it is that God wants me to do. It is hard in todays world to slow down enough to listen to what it is that God wants for us. I am trying my best to take time to listen instead of act. Thanks to all of you, I think that the series was awesome!