Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Crowd Did You Hang With... high school?

I have vague memories of trying to decide whether to align myself with the preps, the jocks, the smart kids, the rockers, the break dancers or the skaters.

In the end I sampled friends, fashion & music from each group- occasionally popping my collar (cringe) and rocking parachute pants, skinny leather ties, and the Don Johnson jacket (not all at once) and listening to Led Zeppelin, Run DMC, Rush, Bon Jovi (cringe again) & Prince.

How about you? Who were your friends?

What did you do to fit in? (Music, clothes, slang, habits, etc.)


Patrick said...

It was weird because in high school I only spent time with one or two people from my school. The "crowd" I hung out with was a group of kids I met at church camp from another county. Most weekends I'd drive to their town and hang out with them, or they'd come to mine.

I couldn't begin to tell you what kind of crowd they were. I was really into Christian music at the time and kind of a nerd about it. So I guess I was the Christian music nerd?

Christian Stevenson said...

I was so shy in high school. I always made friends with the kids who were like me and afraid to be the first one to say anything. The jocks and popular kids were so intimidating! They had it all didn't they? All I had was my part time job at Kmart and 1979 Dodge Aspen. (Yeah I never heard of that either but couldn't wait to spend a $1000 on one!)

We were into hair metal (Bon Jovi, Poison, Cinderella - maybe the original EMO rockers?). I remember one time skipping school so we could be at Disc Jockey as it opened in order to buy Motley Crue's Dr. Feelgood album!

Anonymous said...

I hung out with a total mix...I was a theater kid and a chorus kid, so those groups both had very interesting dynamics. I was also a big fan of English, our school's literary magazine, etc., so I spent a lot of time with the literary buffs who tried to speak in "intelligent" accents. A lot of those two groups were interconnected.

My "crew" of friends (whom still are all in contact) though was a huge mix of athletes, cheerleaders, and music, theater and literary nerds like me,

Micah said...

I didn't have friends in high school. The people I liked, I only hung out with during school because after school they wanted to do things my mom wouldn't let me and I was afraid of the wrath, so I stayed home for the most part. Pretty lamo.