Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Series Launches This Weekend

This weekend we'll launch a new teaching series called "Intermittent". The title of the series is born out of an observation that our understanding of God seems to come via irregular moments of clarity. What's true about God is always true. I may even "believe" it is true. But, I really understand it when I experience for myself.

For example, this weekend we'll be discussing the idea that "God is God...I'm Not". Its the most basic tenant of Christianity. The funny thing is that while I believe that God is in control- a lot of days I live like I am. Not of the universe, mind you, just of my own life. I can maintain my illusion of control until something happens that I can't fix. Until I have an experience where I realize firsthand that I need someone bigger than me to step in. Then I really grasp the idea that I've "believed in" for a long time.

This study will center around some intermittent moments of spiritual clarity that Moses and the nation of Israel experience as God guides them out of slavery in Egypt. We'll be offering some suggested reading each week to help you prepare for the next weekend's teaching conversation. To prime the pump for this weekend, you may want to read the first four chapters of Exodus in the next couple of days.

We know that summer schedules can make our attendance at Crossroads feel a little intermittent. Let's view the next 5 weeks as a challenge to engage our church community consistently- either in person at one of the weekend gatherings, or via the mp3's on the web. Here's the breakdown of what we'll discuss in July:

6/30-7/1 GOD IS GOD…I’M NOT


Anonymous said...

A brother comments...
What is the point of "believing" God is in control and living like we are our own masters? It should come as no surprise that events and circumstances in life go awry. We live in a fallen world. Why persist in maintaining control we don't believe we have? Why does a three dimensional real time "glimpse out of the corner of our eye" have to occur before understanding that spiritual truth, God's truth is not a rare event,but His will? We are to surrender to it fully, give up our rebellion, our prideful revolution against the authority of God's Word which is to control our thoughts and actions.No,we are not God. We are God's own; bought and paid for.We are not to glimpse him occasionally when we fail,especially if we do not ask for forgiveness of sins, but we are to walk by faith,not by sight. We are to be transformed by renewing our minds as his obedient servants. Then God may look upon us and see us as we become the image and likeness of his dear son.

bhamner said...

I have started to respond to this thread three times. Each time I get to the end, just to delete everything I have written. I just could not seem to capture my struggle with this topic of control. This time I think I have it. The word is “trust”. I will get to that in a moment.
For me the easy part is saying, “I am not in control”. It is easy because I can arrive at that conclusion with simple logic. Turn on the news and listen: 3 beatings, 2 murders, 4 deaths due to some illness. Drive down U.S. 60 and count the roadside crosses per square mile. Control is an illusion, and that is easy to see.
The second easy part is to say “God is in control”. Once again, I apply logic and see that God created the universe. God raised the dead, healed sick, parted the Red Sea, rained manna from the sky, defeated sin.. I think you get the point. God has the power to control every atom in the Universe, yes God is in the control.
However, here is the rub (for me). Do you trust God? Do you trust where his path will take you? When I say, “The funny thing is that while I believe that God is in control- a lot of days I live like I am.”, I think it is trust that is the root cause. Trust is knowing that when you let go of the wheel, God may take you, not where you want to go, but where God commands you to go. That my friends sometimes scares the living daylights out of me, and makes me want to keep one hand on the wheel, one foot on the brake.
Hence, I continue on my journey, and pray for that trust, and put my wheel firmly in His hands. More and more I want to be able to say, “God is in control, and I am not”. And live a life that exemplifies it.
Thanks for your message on control, and for all those that helped with Feast on the Field.

Patrick said...

Nicely put, Brian.

Fred said...

Thanks for the comments folks.