Monday, June 25, 2007

Memory Test...

This past weekend Glen laid out the four cornerstones our leaders believe God wants to build Crossroads on.

Can you name them?

Could you describe what they mean?

Take a shot in the comments section and no peeking in advance!


bhamner said...

The cornerstone of community has been on my mind since Sunday. One of the guys on our production team announced this weekend that he was moving to another state. I had known him for a little over a year. He lived just one street over from me. Yet I never took the time to really get to know him, or be in community with him. It always seems like you say that you will find time, but time never comes, and opportunities are lost. Kids, jobs, life challenge the notion of community. I am glad that Xroads has this as a cornerstone, and I hope we can answer the challenge, and not let opportunities continue to pass us by.

Fred said...

Great words Brian.

Anyone else???

Ms. Holly said...

I was at the ballfield this past weekend and was talking with a friend about community. I am blessed to be a part of such a big community and was challenged when evangelism was brought up. I have a hard time talking about God's word. I can discuss my thoughts or hear about someone else's thoughts but I am shy about bringing God into the conversation with someone outside of my church family. This weeks sermon really made me think about who I talk to and whether or not I can introduce God into the conversations. I know that I can't quote scripture very well but I am working on that as well with a bible study. I am glad to be challenged to expand my horizons. I love a good challenge. Thanks Glen.