Monday, April 23, 2007

Would You Have Stopped... listen to a virtuoso violinist posing as a street musician in the middle of your morning commute?

Read more about the Washington Post's experiment with Joshua bell HERE.


Janet said...

I would stop to listen to an amatuer violinist, LOL!

I read this article when it was printed and found it astounding so many people miss the simple things in life. As busy as we are, I try to always follow the kids' lead in stopping to smell the roses, dance to the music, pet the doggies, or watch a sunset or meteor shower. They're pretty good at "seeing" those things.

Fred said...

Probably would have depended on the day and my mindset. Sometimes I can be kind of ocd about getting places and being on time.

If my schedule wasn't tight or I wasn't rushed, I hope that I would have noticed and stopped.

Emily H. said...

i wouldn't have stopped, but i would've noticed. like in the subway hallways in new york. i'm always aware, but might not always stop.