Monday, April 9, 2007

Are We This Oblivious???

This past weekend Glen taught from the story in Luke 24:13-35 where Jesus appears to two of His followers as they walk from Jerusalem to a town called Emmaus. (Take a moment and read it for yourself.)

The funny thing is that these two guys' whole lives had been focused on Jesus for the past few days as he was arrested, tortured, murdered and his body had disappeared. This was the kind of news that would have dominated every tv network for weeks in our day and time. (Like the Anna Nicole saga.) The rest of life had ceased to exist as they debated, wondered and cried about what had happened to their teacher.

Yet the risen Jesus walks and talks with them for several hours and they are oblivious to who he really is.

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been so focused on Jesus that you actually missed the fact that he was present with you? Been so busy talking about, studying or serving God that you neglected to be with him and let him be with you?

Can you identify with these guys at all? Are we this oblivious to Jesus in our lives? Less so? More so?

1 comment:

Steven Smith said...

Unfortunately, as a minister, that has happened many times for me. I can get so wrapped up in preparing for a service, a class, a sermon, or anything else of that nature, and forget that the reason behind it is to meet with Jesus. It is a constant struggle to remain focused, and at the best of times I have those to whom I'm accountable who will remind me time and again about why I am doing what I'm doing.