Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Who was...

...the best teacher you ever had?

What made them so good?

How did they help you learn?


Fred said...

One of my favorite teachers taught me logic, Greek & ethics in college.

What made him a good teacher to me is that he was able to explain a concept in mutliple ways until it connected with everyone in the class.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Schull was my high school History and Applied Economics teacher.

He was an effective teacher because he created a safe environment where thoughts and ideas could be explored without the threat of ridicule.

However, what I learned most from him was that while instruction provides students information, real learning doesn't take place until the application of that knowledge.

Anonymous said...

My favorite teacher was my Physics teacher in High School.

The thing that I loved about him is that he cared for his students. Him and his wife actually had the class over to his house and let us take his tractors (I know, it's country) out in the field and just mess around. Looking back, I'm not for sure if he should have done this, but nonetheless, it was fun.

Besides the relationship he built with us, he constantly showed us how to engage the questions that he asked. He got the students to look up answers instead of him just telling us the correct solutions.

Patrick said...

My favorite teacher was my Greek teacher in college. I liked him because I didn't know anything about Greek but he still passed me.

Wait, that's not the kind of story you were looking for, was it?

Mrs. Needham said...

My favorite teacher was Mr. Hirschman. He was my art teacher for 4 yrs. He taught every form of art you can imagine, plus he was an ordained minister that drove to truckstops to preach on the weekends. Somehow he slipped a lot of theology into those classes without anyone really knowing it. So much of Christ's life is captured in art...he was just a cool fella.

Anonymous said...

I have two--Ms. Harris--my HS choir teacher. She taught me about so much more than music. She was a huge mentor-type in High School.

Mr. Kasik--11th grade English. He was the type of teacher who would sit on a stool with his shoes off (he taught in St. Thomas for a really long time) and "shoot the breeze" for an hour while talking about American Literature. One assignment was to roll down a hill and then write about it. Several of us on graduation night did the same thing in our caps and gowns after we had received our diplomas.

He really challenged what you believed and there were a lot of conservative families who wouldn't allow him to teach their kids--I'm so glad mine did.