Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Want a Second Look...

...at the scriptures Glen taught from this weekend? Here they are.

Read through them slowly. What words or passages speak to you today?

"Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10 (God’s Word Translation)

Revelation 7:16 “They will never be hungry or thirsty again.”

Amos 9:13 “The days are going to come, declares the LORD, when the one who plows will catch up to the one who harvests, and the one who stomps on grapes will catch up to the one who plants. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills.”

Isaiah 2:4 says, "Then he will judge disputes between nations and settle arguments between many people. They will hammer their swords into plow blades and their spears into pruning shears. Nations will never fight against each other, and they will never train for war again."

Isaiah 11:6-8, "Wolves will live with lambs. Leopards will lie down with goats. Calves, young lions, and year-old lambs will be together, and little children will lead them. Cows and bears will eat together. Their young will lie down together. Lions will eat straw like oxen. Infants will play near cobras’ holes. Toddlers will put their hands into vipers’ nests.”

Revelation 21:25 “Its gates will be open all day. They will never close because there won't be any night there.”

Luke 1:17 " He will change parents' attitudes toward their children."

Revelation 21, “God lives with humans! God will make his home with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them and be their God."

Ezekiel 11:19 , "I will give them a single purpose and put a new spirit in them. I will remove their stubborn hearts and give them obedient hearts.”

Mark 1:14,15, "After John was put into prison, He said, "The time has come, and the kingdom of God is near. Change the way you think and act, and believe the Good News."

Matthew 12:28, " But if I force demons out with the help of God's Spirit, then the kingdom of God has come to you.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sunday I was drawn to the note in my Study Bible on Rev 7:16. "True worship moves from praise for God to service for God." This really stuck in my mind. On Monday, I read a quote from "The Secret of Service" by Dr. J. Vernon McGee. "He(Jesus) asks you to surrender everything to Him before you serve Him. He wants your will, your heart, and your mind - all must come under His possession, His leadership, and His direction or you do not serve Him." I have been challenged to evaluate why I hold so tightly to my own will. Reading through the list today, I am drawn to the verse from Ezekiel and think I would like to study this book.