Monday, April 2, 2007

Father Forgive These People...

It is amazing that Jesus had the strength to say much of anything from the cross after what he had endured. It is practically unbelievable that the first words he utters are words of forgiveness.

Jesus forgives IN THE MIDDLE of being tortured. This pardon isn't offered after a time of grieving or processing, but during the crime itself.

And Jesus offers clemency right up front- maybe just in case he doesn't get the chance to say anything else?

How about you? What do these words of Jesus mean to you?


Christian Stevenson said...

For me it's a reminder of grace and understanding my struggle with expectations. Knowing when to give tough love, when to be honest and straight forward, and when to be forgiving and loving.

It's a tool for the management of myself in relationships with other people.

Anonymous said...

The words are a real challenge to my attitude. I very much want to be forgiven, but want to be vindicated when others wrong me.

I am reminded that I am to forgive, even when others don't "deserve it" from me.