Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Do You Know Joe?

Many people have commented about how powerful the sand art presentation was this past weekend. What did you think? Were there any particular images that touched you?

The artist was Joe Castillo. He and his wife Cindy are a part of the Crossroads' community. Joe is a talented artist who works in different meduims.

To learn more about Joe's art or to contact him, visit his website: www.joecastillo.com.


Janet said...

Interesting you should post this. The first thing I did Monday morning was to visit his website to read his biography and learn more about him.

What an awesome gift! I absolutely got chills during his presentation. One of the things that really struck me was the lighting changing from white to red; that is missing in the DVD so it doesn't have quite the same effect, but it's still really neat. This is the experiential connecting that really speaks to me personally and I appreciate that I belong to a church willing to embrace various mediums!

Patrick said...

Funny thing - a couple of years ago during the whole Skip Christmas thing, Greg Chandler, Dave Cottingham , and I were all out at Hamburg filming some of the video pieces and this guy approaches me and wants to be interviewed. He starts giving me this long explanation of why Jesus and Christmas are so important to him - and he's treating me with this aire of familiarity. The whole time I'm wondering where I know him from.

Finally Chandler points out to me that it's Joe. He knew what we were up to and gave us some great, heartfelt footage.

Anonymous said...

Loved Joe's presentation! The images plus the music was very powerful. It would be nice to see him more often at Crossroads.