Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Word in the Heart

A friend sent me this quote. I think it is a great followup to this weekend.

"I do not treasure God's promise in my understanding but in my heart. It is not to be analyzed by my intellect, but to be pondered in my heart... Therefore, it is never sufficient simply to have read God's Word. It must penetrate deep within us, dwell in us, like the Holy of Holies in the Sanctuary, so that we do not sin in thought, word or deed." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

So how is it going with our attempts to imitate Jesus (the word in the flesh)? Anything hitting home? Please share for our mutual encouragement that God does speak through His Word.



Anonymous said...

I have learned a lot about God over the past few months. The main thing I have learned is that God's intention is for me to understand the things in my life that are not yet where they should be. But He does not leave it there. He desires and requires that we look to Him in order to make those changes. The small group I am in discussed this very thing last night. We talked about becoming humble and that the only way to do that is to focus on God and not ourselves. What a great follow up to this past Sunday when we talked about imitating Christ. The only way for us to imitate Him is to keep our eyes focused on Him. This has been a relief to me, knowing that focusing on God will bring about changes I have been trying for years to make.

Griff Ray said...

I think the reality that God really does want to engage us personally, that He gave us His Spirit specifically for that purpose is amazing. I'm not sure the majority of believers lean into this incredible and undeserved privilege. I hope that more will start.