Sunday, December 2, 2007

Seeing Christmas from the "Other Side"

It struck me this weekend to think about just sinful my life has been. We don't like to think about it but that reality is always lurking in our subconscious. We have become very good at avoiding it. We just think about something else or look for someone that is a worse sinner (like there is such a thing) than us and that somehow makes us feel better.

It's kind of weird to think about our sinfulness when talking about Christmas. It doesn't seem to fit "the season." It's even stranger to think about a baby being born to die; for me. How is it right for a baby to be given to remedy that deeply shameful part of who I am? I guess it's not right, it's love.

I know it's not a good thing to focus too much on our sin. After all, because of Jesus, it no longer has any part in our identity. The bible calls us saints more than sinners. However, I do think it is good to consider how deep our sin can go and just what God did for us in giving us a Savior Child. If we lived out of that gratitude it would probably change much of the way we lived. What do you think that would look like? Just think how our lives, lived from this deep gratitude, might touch a watching world.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Griff - Great teaching this weekend... what a fresh and interesting look at the reasons why we should celebrate. I appreciated your passion and humor. It is so good to have you home.


Anonymous said...

Two words come to my mind about the message you delivered yesterday - POWERFUL and Beautiful. I felt the power of the Holy Spirit in our presence. The work that Spirit performs in our lives as we acknowledge our sinfulness is powerful. The way I feel being set free from that sin is beautiful. Thank you for "telling" the end of the story. I could get wrapped up,so to speak, in my generosity this time of year - more puffed up with my goodness than the real reason I want to be generous.

Griff Ray said...

Thanks so much for the encouragement. It feels great to be back at CCC.

I really appreciate what was said about getting wrapped up in ourselves and our goodness and missing the opportunity to really glorify God and not ourselves. It's amazing how subtle sin can be and how our "corrupt" nature can live beneath the radar.

Just this morning while I was thanking God for the day, my past sin popped into my mind and shame began to rob me of the joy that we have been "re-thinking." I realized that is the past and I was able to focus again on the goodness of God.

Anyone else struggle with similar things?

Anonymous said...


We enjoyed your service tonight. Due to a family illness we have not been able to attend service for sometime. Are you back to stay at Crossroads? When we arrive at a service and see you will be delivering the message it is always a treat. We very much enjoy the way you teach the word of God.

Griff Ray said...

I am sorry to hear about your family illness but I am glad to hear you are getting back into the swing of things.

I am back to stay as long as God will and the Elders will have me. We are thrilled to be back. Our time away was very challenging at times but God did some great things in and through us in that time.

THanks for your encouragement! You can email me at