Sunday, December 16, 2007

Now What?

Okay, we've re-thought what Christmas is all about. We have been challenged to spend less for us, so that we can invest in "heavenly things." So how do we "GIVE MORE?"

Glen spoke a lot this week about the foundational reality that Christmas, by it's very meaning and nature, is relational. It was all about God providing relationship with Him again through the gift of his Son. By giving us His Son we can know more about who God is. We got to see Him in the flesh. Now we have a much clearer understanding of who God is for the sake of relationship with Him.

So a couple questions I want to ask:

1. How do you give a "relational gift?" One thing we have done in our family, especially on Mother's, Father's, and Valentine's days are to give "With You" coupons. They say things like, "Redeem for One Night Out with Dad" or, "Good for a 10 minute back rub." How have you found ways to give of your self relationally?

2. Does it still look like or feel like a cop out? If you give someone a relational gift are you afraid they are going to think you are cheap? I guess the other question is, "Do you care at this point what they think or are you willing to break the materialistic mold and just do it because you feel like it's right?

Bring it! What do you think?


1 comment:

Ms. Holly said...

Funny enough I was presented with this very thing this week. My dad and I have close birthdays and to celebrate them we went to lunch together. We are very close and don't get to see each other as often as we would like. This was the best present we could ask for is to spend some one on one time together. My step mother felt like it would short me somehow if he showed up empty handed so she sent a hearfelt card with him. While I was touched at the gesture, I don't think that she understood what a joy we get from just being together. I am a true believer in the message this week that the most cherished thing we can offer is ourselves and our time. they both are a priceless commodity these days.