Monday, September 24, 2007

Changing the World

Just came across this quote:

"You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics." - Charles Bukowski

Does this ring true for you?

Why or why not?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is It Even Possible???

Wow. Great discussion on the last post. When I look at the types of things we all want to change about this world, it makes me wonder if change is even possible.

A couple of us mentioned that what we want to change is ourselves and we can't even seem to get that done.

What do you think? Can people like us change the world?

If not- why not?

If yes- how?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Yeah, YOU Can Change The World...

This weekend we'll conclude the "Yeah YOU" series with the idea that each of us can make an impact on this world.

If that's really true- and you had the power to change one thing about this world, what would it be?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Resources from this weekend

This weekend we explored the idea that God can use any of us (YEAH YOU) to help someone else on their journey with/towards God.

We tried to take some cues from Philip in Acts 8:26-40: Making ourselves available to others, asking questions and listening, engaging in dialogue-not debate, etc.

We watched Philip's friend- the Ethiopian- respond to God and be baptized as a sign of his desire to follow Jesus. We also got to see a video of some recent baptisms of folks within the Crossroads' community.

If you'd like to learn more about baptism, we'll be offering a one hour baptism class during each of our weekend services on October 13th & 14th. You can register online for a class HERE, or contact Missy Cheeseman with any questions, 263-4633 ext. 293.

If you decide you are ready to take the plunge (literally), stop by our main room anytime between 2-4pm on Sunday, October 14th for an Open Baptism. Bring some clothes you can wet in and a towel and we'll get it done.

Also, if you'd like to read a bit more on this topic of evangelism, Glen recommends these resources:

Jim & Capser Go to Church: Frank Conversations about Faith, Churches and Well-Meaning Christians

Evangelism without Additives: What if sharing your faith meant just being yourself?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vocab Test...

One of the things I love about Crossroads is that we don't drop theological or religous terms just to sound impressive. (Propitiation anyone?)

This weekend we'll be talking about EVANGELISM. You might not hear that exact term, but it will be the topic of the day.

What does the word EVANGELSIM mean to you?

What associations does it carry for you?

Are there other words or phrases you use in place of this term? If so, why?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Refrigerator Rights...

This weekend we talked about the idea that each of us was made to belong to other people.

As a practical picture of this, Glen talked about the concept of "Refigerator Rights".

Authors Will Miller & Glenn Sparks introduced this idea in their BOOKof the same title.

Will's BLOG defines the concept this way:
Refrigerator Rights Relationships are people who can open your refrigerator without having to ask permission. And when you are in their home you can do the same. They are people with whom you feel open, cared for and relaxed. They know the real you behind the facade.

Do you have anyone like this in your life? More than one person?

If so, how did you get to this level of belonging?

If not, why not? Are you afraid? Too busy? Something else?

Is there anything in your fridge worth eating anyway?

Thursday, September 6, 2007


This weekend we'll continue the "Yeah YOU" series with a teaching about belonging. The gist is that in Jesus' church, there is a place for everyone- the black sheep, the wallflowers, the introverted, those with low self-esteem or social anxiety, the shy,the abrasive, etc. etc.

This may feel strange to us, because life doesn't usually work this way. We're used to seeing the beautiful, privileged, talented and charismatic people receiving the golden tickets of inclusion while the rest of us are left with our noses pressed to the glass.

Or maybe that's just me.

What experiences have you had when it comes to beloging?

Where have you been accpeted?

Where have you felt like you didn't fit?

What made the difference for you?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Which Is Harder For You?

This weekend Greg Chandler did an outstanding job of leading us in a conversation on forgiveness.

When it comes to this topic, which is more of a challenge for you?

Granting forgiveness to others?


Asking for and accepting it yourself?

As you are willing/able, give us some insight as to why you answer the way you do.