Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Remembering God's Help

This weekend we explored just a few of the ways God helped Moses and the people of Israel as the exited (or exodused?) Egypt.

Exodus 16 marks the first time that God provides some bread (manna) for them. It isn't the last. For the next 40 years God ensures that they always have daily bread. From the outset of the manna God gives His people this instruction:

32Moses said, “This is what the LORD has commanded: Take two quarts of manna to be kept for your descendants. This way they will see the food that I gave you to eat in the desert when I brought you out of Egypt.”
33Moses said to Aaron, “Take a jar, put two quarts of manna in it, and put it in the LORD’s presence to be kept for your descendants.” 34Aaron put the jar of manna in front of the words of God’s promise to be kept there, as the LORD commanded Moses.

Why is this so important? God wants these folks, their children and succeeding generations TO REMEMBER how He came through for them.

Not a bad idea.

What if we got ourselves a jar too?

I threw that idea out this past weekend as a symbol. Now I'm thinking more literally.

What if I had a jar and everytime God came through I put something inside the jar to help me remember God's track record?

If we had somethting like that, we could pull it out the next time we were facing a situation and found ourselves questioning whether or not God would come through for us.

I guess I do have something like this- a couple of journals I've kept for the last few years.

Several times a year I crack them open and laugh about how much things have changed, how much they're still the same, and how good God has been in the midst of it all.

How about you?

Do you ever think about all of the ways God has helped you?

Have anything tangible that helps you remember?

So far my journals have been ok.

But now I really want a jar.

Guess I'd better find a big one.


Anonymous said...

The message this past weekend was great - made me more aware of the daily things God does to help me through the routine tasks. He continues to amaze me.

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of journaling, but I also have some "mementos" from pivotal moments in pas that help me remember. Whether it's a photo, a rock, a candle, etc., they each have meaningful places in my life.

Anonymous said...

Something that I heard or read years ago was to choose a date that you could make as your "Passover." Just like God had the Israelites celebrate the Passover every year to commemorate God saving them from Pharoah and bringing them out of Egypt, we could celebrate a spiritual event every year by getting some friends together, having a meal, and sharing your story with them. I have to admit, I haven't followed up with it very well, just like the Israelites didn't follow up either. But the date was Feb 27. Some things had happened in the church I was in, I was hurt, and part of me didn't ever want to go back to church again. But on Feb 27 He turned all that around, and I've been following Him ever since.
It was one of those dangerous times that Missy talked about (7/14-15) when I could have gone either direction, but God showed up! He's great!