Friday, July 13, 2007

Prayer Card Side 2:

The other part of the prayer exercise was to continue asking for God's help and deliverance.

We were asked to finish the phrase: God I Need Your Help With

Personally, I asked God to:

  • Help us adjust to being a family of 4

  • Use our family to bless our neighbors and share God's love with them

  • Help me to stop worrying about what He gives others

  • Enable me to really listen to those around me

Your turn now. Be as specific or as general as you'd like. What are you needing from God today?


Mrs. Needham said...

My car was running on empty and the check engine light was on coming home from work today. I knew if I stopped I wouldn't be going again and there was one stoplight inbetween me and the gas was red.

Thankfully God heard my prayer and made it green, I coasted to the pump.

Cherlynn said...

Recently, a friend told me she was making the "Dove" motto her know their commercials, "Love the skin your in." I'm asking for help adopting the same.

Anonymous said...

I'm asking for help to get all my work done and paperwork turned in before I go on a retreat this weekend. Since I'm usually way behind by then, in my eyes it's a God-sized task!