Monday, July 16, 2007

How Do You See God?

This weekend Missy talked about something most/all of us have experienced at some point:

Wondering if God is real and if He is really with us.

In the book of Exodus, God gives people multiple visual reminders that He is with them:
  • Exodus 3:1-6 God speaks to Moses from a burning bush
  • Exodus 13:17-22 God leads Israel with a column of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night.
  • Exodus 24:9-11 God allows 74 leaders of Israel to see (some part) of Him as they initiate the covenant.
  • Exodus 33:7-23 God lets Moses see His back and meets wtih him in a tent.
  • Exodus 34:29-35 Moses face glows after being with God.
  • Exodus 40:34-38 God continues to lead Israel with column of smoke, settling on the tent of mtg when stopped.
Does God still let people know that He is with them today?

Have you ever had an experience where you sensed God's presence with you?

What do you do/who do you turn to when you start to wonder yourself?

Tell us what you think. We'd love to hear your perspective.


bhamner said...

I do often wonder why God does not use such obvious means of communication today. Burning bushes, pillar of fire/smoke, seem like they would really get your attention. It seems today that God's communication is so subtle. I have to admit that this challenges me. I have never had a moment when I said, "man God just spoke to me".

Is it that we would question whatever he used to speak to us, or has God chosen to change the way he speaks with us? If so, why?

Bret Foster said...

I’ve recently struggled lately sensing how God is communicating with me too. However, I've come the conclusion that God is still there, constantly communicating but I've been the one who hasn't truly been listening.

This current message series has really been an eye opener to me personally on how I've been the one that's been blocking God out of my life, not taking time to listen to what he is telling me, and being somewhat arrogant by trying to do life my way. Basically, I’ve learned that: I'm a jerk, I've been acting like a jerk, and it's time to stop being a jerk.

And it's been amazing just how much more I've experienced God’s communication with me lately just by stopping, praying, listening, and acknowledging that I need God and I can't do life on my own.

For me, the line of communication between God and myself just needed to be reopened. Granted, God still hasn't spoken to me in a vision or burning bush, and quite honestly, I’m glad that hasn’t happened because that would freak me out, but I his hear his direction coming to me in more subtle ways through other forms of communication. Maybe in a conversation with my 3 year old daughter, from the messages at Xroads, from a comment on a blog, or a conversation with a close friend. For me, I think because I've been paying more attention to what's going on around me, I've started to hear the voice of God in my life and have been able to appreciate the beauty of life and the blessings I've received.

Yes it’s true, God still wants to talk to jerks like me.

Fred said...

Thanks Brian & Bret for your honesty.

I relate to both of your experiences and questions.

I've been thinking about what it would be like to be able to see some manifestation of God's presence like the Israelites did and almost wishing for it.

Then I realize that they weren't any better off for it. The SAW God and still whined, sinned, doubted and complained.

Maybe we're the lucky ones to catch more subtle glimpses. Reminds me of what Jesus said about those who don't see but believe being more blessed than those who see and believe.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to share a testimony that
happened to a close friend. This
week in New York, an old pipe exploded releasing steam and the people in the area had no idea of course what it was,some feared it was possibly a terrorist attack. My dear friend
Joyce and her daughter,Olivia are vacationing this week in New York and they were in that same exact spot just an hour before on that day. God is watching out for us even while we are on vacation.

submitted by
Toni Knight

Anonymous said...

I am currently on maternity leave with the birth of my first child. My husband and I have been struggling to find childcare for our son for when I return to work in just 2 weeks. We have prayed and looked at many options, but with time running out and nothing falling into place we were in panic mode. Then out of no where my husbands boss says to him that her best friends grandmother watches children from her home and she is pretty sure she has an opening. To make a long story short, we checked her out, fell in love with her, she is only 5 minutes from my work, and charges next to nothing. When we were leaving her home after our meeting I felt as if a huge burden was lifted and I swear I could hear God in the wind say; "You are welcome Amanda." I even turned my head to see if He was standing there.

M said...

Over the last two months I have been looking for a new job with no luck. After Missy's message last week my husband asked me if I had given the job search to the Lord. He was right I hadn't included the Lord in my quest for a job. So I prayed and told the Lord that the ball was in his court now. This week I had an interview with a company that I was a perfect fit for however, the opening was for their Frankfort office. To tell that truth I wasn't feeling great about driving to Frankfort every day. Then this morning I got a call from the company and was told that there was a opening just this morning in the Lexington office. I have a another interview this week. I'm convinced now that God is with us even when we don't see him!

Fred said...

Wow Guys! Thanks for sharing your stories.

Anytime I hear about God doing things like that it is like a pleasant reminder. OH YEAH- God, you are listening and do come through!

I need to be reminded regularly.