Thursday, June 28, 2007

New Series Launches This Weekend

This weekend we'll launch a new teaching series called "Intermittent". The title of the series is born out of an observation that our understanding of God seems to come via irregular moments of clarity. What's true about God is always true. I may even "believe" it is true. But, I really understand it when I experience for myself.

For example, this weekend we'll be discussing the idea that "God is God...I'm Not". Its the most basic tenant of Christianity. The funny thing is that while I believe that God is in control- a lot of days I live like I am. Not of the universe, mind you, just of my own life. I can maintain my illusion of control until something happens that I can't fix. Until I have an experience where I realize firsthand that I need someone bigger than me to step in. Then I really grasp the idea that I've "believed in" for a long time.

This study will center around some intermittent moments of spiritual clarity that Moses and the nation of Israel experience as God guides them out of slavery in Egypt. We'll be offering some suggested reading each week to help you prepare for the next weekend's teaching conversation. To prime the pump for this weekend, you may want to read the first four chapters of Exodus in the next couple of days.

We know that summer schedules can make our attendance at Crossroads feel a little intermittent. Let's view the next 5 weeks as a challenge to engage our church community consistently- either in person at one of the weekend gatherings, or via the mp3's on the web. Here's the breakdown of what we'll discuss in July:

6/30-7/1 GOD IS GOD…I’M NOT

Monday, June 25, 2007

Memory Test...

This past weekend Glen laid out the four cornerstones our leaders believe God wants to build Crossroads on.

Can you name them?

Could you describe what they mean?

Take a shot in the comments section and no peeking in advance!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What is Crossroads All About?

This weekend Glen take us back to the basics of why we exist as a Church Community. He'll talk about our overall vision and four cornerstones that anchor our life together.

But before that happens, we'd like to hear from you.
How do you usually describe Crossroads to others?
What do you think we are all about?
What is our heart? Mission? Vision?

Monday, June 18, 2007

Porn On Father's Day Weekend (Post Thoughts)

Well, we officially survived our weekend of porn at Crossroads!

Now we'd love to hear what you thought about Porn & Pancakes and the Weekend Services.

Also, tell us if you had any conversations around this topic with friends, co-workers, family members, etc.?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Behind Closed Doors (Porn & Pancakes Breakfast Live & In Progress)...

For those of you who couldn't make it or didn't meet the age/gender requirements, we thought you'd like to hear a bit of what went on and we learned:

- Grilled sausage tastes really good.

- Don't mess with Patrick Drury if you are the guest COMEDIAN. (David Dean- see below)

- The story of Abraham almost slaying Isaac can be used to frighten young children into obeying their parents. (the comedian again)

- It's ok to laugh if people fall on the ice, even if they have a compound fracture. (still the comedian)

- To liven things up at church- give the 4th graders Mountain Dew and Red Bull. (guess who)

- "I'm sweating like Paris Hilton at a purity conference." (my personal favorite line from the comedian).

- Lynn Buckles, The XXX Church Intern, and David Gillis are INCREDIBLY good sports. Briggs Cochran is also a good sport, but can't follow instructions. (based on interactive improv)

- Maybe guys have a hard time really laughing because of the unconfessed sin in their lives. (Great point by the comedian)

Then Craig Gross from XXX CHURCH got up to share.

- Porn is a $57 BILLION dollar a year industry- most of which happens via the internet.

- The internet has radically changed the accessibility of porn. No longer do you have to embarrass yourself by buying a magazine from behind the counter or going to a seedy video store on the wrong side of town.

- 75% of people view porn alone.

- Most people who are addicted to porn eventually escalate to something else: an affair, using an escort service, soliciting kids on the internet, etc.

- Where is the computer in your house? Is it in a place where you or someone else can be secretive?

- XXX Church gets tons of emails from kids who are more computer savvy than their parents and find out by mistake that their parents are looking at porn.


1. Fight temptation with willpower alone because you are strong enough. (Cause that works in every other area of our lives, right?)

2. Believe that just a little porn isn't that bad. FHM, MAXIM, SWIMSUIT ISSUES = Porn training wheels. The porn industry gets it, that's why they give you free samples. They know you'll come back for more.

3. Spend more time watching TV, less time in God's Word. Who needs that anyway? The average 13-18 year old spends 71 hours a week watching tv, movies, on the internet, playing video games or on the cell phone. Most people get in trouble with pornography because they get on the internet without a purpose. TIP: If you are married, go to bed as the same time as your wife. Many guys look while their spouse is asleep.

4. Wing it when it comes to your integrity. Just make it up as you go. Don't have a plan ahead of time.

5. Go solo. Who needs others? XXX Church offers accountability software so that you can let someone else in to help keep you accountable. Find it HERE. Do you really want help? It is out there for you, but it requires you not doing it yourself.

6. When you fail, just give up. "This is my lot in life. I'll never get over it." Even in our failures, God never leaves us and His love never fails.

NOTE: Craig will be sharing a different message at our weekend services (5:30 Sat, 9:30 & 11:15 Sun). Make it a point to catch one.

Need Some Resources???:
  • Every Man's Battle class starts on June 24th at 8:15 a.m. Contact Briggs Cochran
  • Every Young Man's Battle class to follow in August. Contact Scott Morgan or Kerry Tuttle.
  • Porn & Parents Discussion August 5th from 6-8 p.m. for all interested parents and teens on how to proactively respond to the issues. Contact Scott Morgan or Kerry Tuttle.
  • Every Woman's Battle class to be offered based upon interest. Contact Ann Sullivan for information and to express interest.
  • Help for Spouses class to be offered based upon interest. Contact Ann Sullivan for information and to express interest.
  • Do I have an addiction? Crossroads has seasoned counselors to meet one on one to privately discuss the issues. Contact Ann Sullivan for information.

Friday, June 15, 2007

A Prayer For Friday...

For a few years now, some on our staff have been using "the blue book" as a devotional guide.

In addition to readings from the scripture and other Christian writers, there are written prayers to begin and end each day.

Today's opening prayer meant a lot to me and I thought it might speak to where some of us are as we try to wrap up a work week:

O God our Father, renew our spirits and draw our hearts to thyself, that our work may not be to us a burden but a delight;

and give us such love to thee as may sweeten all our obedience.

Help us that we may serve thee with the cheerfulness and gladness of children,

delighting ourselves in thee, and rejoicing in all that is to the honor of thy name;

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Although it took some getting used to, I've really come to enjoy using prayers that others have written. It helps me say things to God that I want to say, but may not have thought of on my own.

If you have a couple of minutes, pray through the prayer above a couple of times. First, pray the prayer through slowly. I find that it helps to say it out loud if possible.

Then, go back through the prayer and pray each phrase individually. Say anything to God that the phrase brings to mind. Ex: "Renew our spirits"- God, I'm discouraged today. Brighten my attitude.

If you try this, post a comment and let me know what you thought.

If you want to learn more about "the blue book" click HERE.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Porn On Father's Day??? (Pre Thoughts)

You bet! By now you've probably heard that Craig Gross from XXX Church will be with us this weekend. XXX is a ministry to both people in the porn industry and people who create the demand for the porn industry. Check out their site HERE.

Craig will speak to guys ages 11 and up at a breakfast (Porn & Pancakes) from 8-10am on Saturday morning. Tickets are $5 and will be available at the door.

He will also provide the weekend teaching at all of our services and will help us better understand the scope of the porn problem and some personal solutions.

Whether or not you think this issue has anything to do with you, we'd encourage you to be a part of things this weekend.

Now for your thoughts.

What are you thinking about our plans for the weekend and this topic? Has porn affected you or those you know and love?

Feel free to comment anonymously and honestly.

Monday, June 11, 2007

What did you learn about the Kingdom??

This weekend we wrapped the Counterintuitive series. Over the past 10 weeks we've been focusing our weekend conversations on the Kingdom that Jesus described that doesn't work the way we expect it to.

Take a minute and give us some feedback:

What did you think of this study?

Did you hear anything that surprised you? Challenged you? Encouraged you?

Was there anything you learned that you are trying to hold onto? Live out?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Where are you like my dad?

My (Fred's) dad is one of those guys who is a voracious learner. He knows a little bit about a lot of topics.

Drop him in a conversation with almost anyone and he'll probably be able to talk about their interests on some level.

Most people would walk away from meeting him thinking that he actually shares their hobbies and passions.

Here's the thing- my dad knows about ALOT of things he can't actually do. He can talk about farming, but never has. He can discuss construction, but couldn't build a house. He understands the stock market, but doesn't invest in it.

What about you? Where do you talk a better game than you play? Is there anything in your life that you know alot about, but don't do much with?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Crowd Did You Hang With... high school?

I have vague memories of trying to decide whether to align myself with the preps, the jocks, the smart kids, the rockers, the break dancers or the skaters.

In the end I sampled friends, fashion & music from each group- occasionally popping my collar (cringe) and rocking parachute pants, skinny leather ties, and the Don Johnson jacket (not all at once) and listening to Led Zeppelin, Run DMC, Rush, Bon Jovi (cringe again) & Prince.

How about you? Who were your friends?

What did you do to fit in? (Music, clothes, slang, habits, etc.)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

How Would You Answer These Questions...

Q: When does Heaven start?

Q: What are you doing right now to prepare? (like the wise bridemaids from this weekends teaching in Matthew 25:1-13)