Thursday, March 29, 2007

Stories from this past weekend...

Want to revisit the stories Glen shared this past weekend?

You can find them by clicking the "comment" feature on this post.


Anonymous said...

About two weeks ago, my tax accountant called and said that he had "good and bad news." Never the thing you want to hear from your tax accountant.

When I asked him to explain, he stated that the good news was that my 2006 taxes were ready to sign and be mailed. I took a deep breath and asked what the bad news was. My accountant said "You donated too much money last year to charity, and I'm afraid you will be audited by the IRS." I told my accountant that I didn't understand exactly what he was trying to tell me, and he said that whenever an individual gives above a certain percent of their annual income to charity, including donations made to one's church, it raises a red flag with the IRS because "normal people don't do that type of thing."

Now that the initial shock has worn off, I am able to laugh a little bit about the situation. I give primarily to Crossroads as well as other charitable groups. It has been a sacrifice to give to Crossroads over the past three years as part of the Above & Beyond campaign as well as donating to other groups & organizations that reach out and help those who are sick and in need, but I believe to the core of my being that this has been the right thing to do.

Having attended Crossroads for more than a decade now, I do believe that God expects us to help those around us in need. I have also come to the conclusion that if "normal" people, whoever they are, don't give financially to help those in need solely in an effort to avoid an IRS audit, I hope and pray that I am never normal again.

Anonymous said...

I am a widow on a fixed income and when we started the "Above and Beyond" campaign I wanted to participate yet was really afraid I would not be able to keep up the giving. I went ahead and signed the pledge - not a very large amount weekly - but, for me, it was a lot.

When we had the big gathering at the Civic Center, I was especially joyful because I was
a part of the final pledge and also would be a part of the new building that would help bring people to Christ and show them how glorius and wonderful He really is. When we got to tour the building and put names
on the stage, I was right there. Even though the names I wrote on the stage have not come forward, I am still praying for them everyday.

When the building opened, I was joyful in the fact that in a small way, I helped build it. I am a greeter, and am always so joyful to be able to tell people about our building and all the wonderful things God has provided for our comfort, enjoyment, and learning. The Children's programs are especially meaningful to me as I have several grandchildren attending and for them to be exposed to the wonderful goodness of God in such a way, means so much to me.

Even when I thought I would not have the money to make my pledge each week, something would occur that would enable me to do so. God has truly blessed me and has been with me all along this journey. I was able to honor my pledge and more and it is all because of my trust and faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I, at one time, during this journey was at a point that I had to break down and ask to borrow some money from my son, in order to meet my obligations. He loaned me the money with my promice that I would pay him back weekly. I did so for several weeks and when I went to pay him one week, he told me to take the rest that I owed him and put it toward the "Above and Beyond" campaign.

This I did and I thank God everyday for blessing me with such a wonderful son. I have learned to truly trust God to always be there, no matter the situation. He is truly an AWESOME GOD!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the service at Heritage Hall three years ago and I was a contributor to the new facility. I am proud of that contribution as a gift back to you. However, I am attending another church now with my family for a number of reasons that aren't important to this message.

What's important is that I was a non believer for most of my life. After meeting Glen and the ministry team at Crossroads, I became a believer. What greater gift can one receive. Crossroads is a seeker church and is obviously doing its job. Just look at the parking lot on Sundays and many other days of the week. I want you to know that I will be eternally grateful for the help you provided to me at the beginning of my journey.

Anonymous said...

The only place in my budget that had flexibility was my grocery money. I work half time so that I can devote more to home-making. I thought about it and tried different numbers. " $10, $15, $20,.....yea, I can swing that", I thought. Then I felt a nudging that said, "I know you can swing that, but what is the number that will make you feel a sacrifice?" OUCH!

That is how I decided on the amount I did. It has been hard, but an odd thing has happened. I have found that I am doing fine without it. Now I am thinking of continuing to donate to other charities that God places on my heart.

Anonymous said...

God has blessed our family not ony "above and beyond," but so much more. I vividly recall writing the names of my children and a dear co-worker who does not have a personal relationship with our Lord on the bare concrete stge.

Months later, tears flowed down my cheeks at the first celebration we had in our new facility. My 17 year old son was baptized, along with his best friend who had not attended church for years. In fact, he came to be a part of Crossroads because of the dodge ball tournaments, continued to worship with us, and gave his life to God on that day as well.

The blessings continued, as countless of their friends came to witness their baptism and my special co-worker came to support too. What an awesome God we love and serve!

Anonymous said...

I am a sinner who is still trying to figure out how to turn my life over to God in order to allow his will to be done. While I surely should not be anyone's example of how to lead the good life, I think I am a pretty good example of how one's life can improve as a direct result of attending Crossroads. I am still seeking a personal relationship with Jesus. I attend church at Crossroads only once or twice a month, but I was in attendance the week we were asked to write on the stage the names of people we wanted to pray for to find God at Crossroads. I wrote my own name on the stage.

Since then, my story does not contain any high drama or "white light" type experience, but I can say without question that my life continues to improve with every visit to Crossroads. I always feel closer to God during and after visiting Crossroads and I love the manner in which the Message and the music are presented. I still get frustrated with myself for being "part-time" in my search, but I pray every day for God to guide me closer to His light. I am very thankful Crossroads is there to help.

Anonymous said...

You can't believe all of the great things that God has done since we gathered at Heritage Hall. Of the names we wrote on the stage, my son and daughter in law who weren't attending church at the time, have come to know Christ and have been baptized. They were married last May. This same son has a new job at more money and benefits than before.

Both of my adult sons are doing Men's Fraternity at my home and I think both boys are getting some great things from it.

One of the names I put on the stage is still not attending church. In the time since then he has had 2 major surgeries and has done well with his recoveries. His name is still on the stage and we're still praying for him

My wife has been blessed with about a 30% pay increase since we made our pleges at Heritage Hall. As for me I just don't know if life can get any better. I've gotten cost of living raises since then, but work is definitely more enjoyable than it has been for about 10 years.

God is love and right now we are feeling the love.

Anonymous said...

Mary Anne Johnson is an amazing woman, an unconditional friend, and an incredible example of how GOD works in our lives each day...I met her during a dark time in my life...I had been through difficulty and tragedy...Instead of turning to GOD, I turned away and grew angry instead... My life spiraled out of control until it hit rock bottom early last year…No matter how low I got, my friend Mary was there to pick me up and tell me that we were going to make it to brighter days together...Mary began to PRAY.

When Mary Anne told me that she had written my name in the new sanctuary, I initially didn't see the depth of her love or the way that GOD was using her to reach out to me...Months later I started to listen to the message that GOD was trying to send me...

The turning point was a Sunday morning that I woke up unusually early. The first thought that entered my head was that I should go to church with Mary. I didn't go that morning, but later that day my heart was SO heavy with emotion that I broke down and cried about my life and the changes that I felt I needed to make....I called Mary Anne after my "melt-down" and she told me that what I was feeling was GOD speaking to me...Well, I decided to actually listen...

I came to Crossroads the following Sunday and brought my 6 year old daughter Blake and my life has been changing in a positive way ever since... I PRAY now that with all the blessings GOD has given me along with a second chance at FAITH that I can give something back...
Thank You GOD...
Thank You Mary Anne...
Thank You Crossroads...
I Love You All... Jay

Anonymous said...

On that day, I wrote several names on that stage. Since then, almost all of them have begun to go to church regularly and are practicing Christians. My mother - in - law became actively involved in her church and was baptized and my daughter was one of the children baptized last year on my birthday! God truly answers prayers!