Thursday, March 29, 2007

Sharpie Prayers

A few months back, Sharpie had a run of commercials that showed some unexpected things you could do with a their markers. For example- scratch someone's car door in the parking lot? Choose the matching color Sharpie and cover over your indiscretions.

At Crossroads we've discovered a use for the Sharpie that its inventors probably never intended- PRAYER. A year and a half ago we used markers to write the names of our seeking friends on our new stage. Last weekend we were at it again- this time marking up some acoustic panels.

This week alone I have heard of two people who wrote their own names on the stage and have given their lives to Christ. Dang, those Sharpies are powerful!

How about you? Did you write any names on the stage or the panels? Seen God at work in those lives since then?


Anonymous said...

One of the people that crossed the line of faith was the guy who had written his own name on the stage 18 months ago. God heard his prayers. The story continues. His email encouraged some others to write their own names on the panels.

Patrick said...

I wrote a buddy's name on the stage because I wanted to see him begin to make Crossroads his home. These days he's really invested, volunteers regularly, and has made several strong relationships.

Anonymous said...

When we wrote names on the stage 18 months ago I wrote down a few but one of the friends I had written down called me this past weekend and told me that they were attending church now. It's not Crossroads but that's OK, as long as they are in a relaitonship with Jesus Christ.
I actually talked to them Sat. night and then attended the service the next morning when Glen talked about it. It was very touching to me that God let me know that they were in church. That phone call was also the first time that we had talked in over a year.

Steven Smith said...

Shannon and I wrote a family member's name down. I've never had a real chance to speak with him or his wife about "spiritual" matters, and we've never gone out of our way to broach such a subject. We were inspired by last weekend, and intend an all out pursuit.

Anonymous said...

A guy wrote the name of his girlfriend on one of the panels. Monday night she gave her heart to God. What a great way to begin a life together - they get married in the next couple of months.