Monday, February 18, 2008

Quiet: A Love / Hate Relationship

I used to really hate to sit in silence, to be alone. I don’t think it was fear as much as it just wasn’t my nature. I don’t hate it anymore because I now understand its benefits and its power. I still don’t ever look forward to it. I always love it though when it’s over. Not because it’s over, but because it’s always good.

It’s often good for different reasons.

Sometimes it’s just because I was quiet and thoughtful.

Sometimes it’s because I accomplished something that was a healthy balance to my normal pace.

Sometimes I hear the voice of God. I see something clearly for the first time. I recognize something about myself. Sometimes it’s something good. Sometimes it’s something ugly that I see needs to change. The cool part is when I am quiet and that happens, I’m already with the One whose help I need. So I ask and know that I am heard.

You may hate being quiet and alone but you ought to give it a try. If you have, tell me what happened.

I know there are those out there that actually REALLY look forward to being quiet and alone. I wonder what happens in that time for you.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Word in the Heart

A friend sent me this quote. I think it is a great followup to this weekend.

"I do not treasure God's promise in my understanding but in my heart. It is not to be analyzed by my intellect, but to be pondered in my heart... Therefore, it is never sufficient simply to have read God's Word. It must penetrate deep within us, dwell in us, like the Holy of Holies in the Sanctuary, so that we do not sin in thought, word or deed." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

So how is it going with our attempts to imitate Jesus (the word in the flesh)? Anything hitting home? Please share for our mutual encouragement that God does speak through His Word.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

One more thought...

As a closing thought to this heaven series, let's read another C.S. Lewis quote.

"If you read history you will find that the Christians who did the most for the present world were precisely those who thought most about the next. It is since Christians have laregly ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

What will you do with your new understanding?


One More Question…

One question that we didn’t get to this last weekend was as follows:

How do the things we learn here on earth translate when we enter heaven? Will our knowledge transcend from this life to the next? Do things like technology have a place in heaven?

Again a very thought provoking question. So here are some thoughts.
Since learning is such a huge part of our enjoyment in this life, why wouldn’t it translate into heaven? We have seen that there is a sense of continuity from this life to eternity. Why not the things we have learned in this life, especially when they have to do with the talents and gifts God has given us to honor him?

Colossians 3:23-24 says, “Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans. You know that your real master will give you an inheritance as your reward. It is Christ, your real master, whom you are serving.” Why wouldn’t the things we have and learned and worked at in this life cease to be honoring to God in heaven?

Like Adam and Eve were given dominion in the garden, scripture ways we will also “reign with God” in heaven. (Rev. 5:10 – one of many examples). In many ways ruling over something means bringing order and structure. Technology and many other things could be involved with that. Why not, especially if they bring glory to God?

Just think about what technology in heaven could look like. If our brains are working at 100% (they say we only use 10% of their capacity now) in conjunction with other brilliant people without any jealousy or rivalry, no competition or secrets; it could be amazing. Wow! The wonders of this world could look like preschool projects in comparison.

Chew on that. What do you think? (I think the Sci-Fi geeks like me love this stuff. Any one want to bring up space travel in heaven? I dare you!)
